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Punching machines will gradually be replaced by laser cutting processing technology


In my country, there are many types of products in the laser processing industry. In the past, punching machines almost dominated the entire processing industry. But with the continuous development of laser cutting technology, punching machines have been replaced by more advanced laser cutting equipment, although punching technology has not completely disappeared from the historical stage.

In the field of laser processing, cutting technology is a vital part, and it is widely used in many industries in society, such as aviation, shipbuilding, military and automotive cutting.

By observing the sales data of laser cutting machines in China, we can clearly see the development speed of laser cutting machines in recent years. In 1985, the number of laser cutting machines sold that year was 100 units, while the sales volume of punching machines was 9 times that, about 900 units. But by 2005, the sales trend had changed significantly, with the annual sales volume of laser cutting machines being only 950 units, while the sales volume of punching machines dropped to about 500 units.

From this batch of data, we can clearly observe that merchants have a growing demand for laser processing. For my country, the market for laser cutting equipment has shown a strong growth momentum, and the domestic demand for such equipment has continued to rise. It is expected that in the future, laser cutting equipment will be a product that businesses are keen to pursue, and the market prospects are very promising.

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